THG AG delivers to Boryspil International Airport six detectors for the simultaneous detection of traces of explosive and narcotic substances IONSCAN-600 manufactured by Smiths Detection

14 Oct
THG AG delivered to Boryspil International Airport six detectors for the simultaneous detection of traces of explosive and narcotic substances IONSCAN-600 manufactured by Smiths Detection.
The IONSCAN 600 is a portable desktop system used to detect and identify trace amounts of explosives.
Onboard diagnostics also assist operators with maintenance and offer troubleshooting for error resolution. Sampling is done manually with single-use swabs, or with an optional low-cost, redesigned wand. The IONSCAN 600 is unique in working with cost-effective, single-use swabs suitable for both manual and wand sampling. Designed for efficient trace-particle pick-up, these proprietary swabs reduce contamination risk and offer the most hygienic method for sampling a person’s hands.
The IONSCAN 600 is a highly sensitive trace detector, in a lightweight, portable desktop configuration. It can be used to accurately detect and identify a wide range of military, commercial and homemade explosives threats and common illegal/controlled narcotics. The compact, lightweight IONSCAN 600 is easily portable.
It includes hot-swappable batteries for full operation even when mains power is not available. The unit can be relocated while fully operational (without any downtime) enabling it to be used in a much broader range of screening environments.
It features a proprietary non-radioactive ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) source, which means licensing from national nuclear regulatory agencies is not required. This allows the detector to be used without time-consuming radiation testing and administration, and enables easy licence-free transport from location to location.
Smiths Detection is a global leader in the manufacture, use and management of detection, control and inspection technologies. The company delivers the solutions needed to protect society from the threat and illegal passage of explosives, prohibitive weapons, contraband, toxic chemicals and narcotics.
As a partner at Smiths Heimann GmbH, THG AG relies on prompt support and high-quality service in the supply of equipment. The six scanning systems IONSCAN 600 that were delivered to Boryspil International Airport will be put in service after commissioning in the nearest time.