THG AG delivers trams to the city of Dnipro in Ukraine

11 Mar
THG AG has delivered in February 10 Tatra 4TD Trams within the framework of a long-term contract for the delivery of trams to the city of Dnipro in Ukraine. The total of 50 trams has been delivered so far to the city of Dnipro under the existing agreement.
The trams supplied for the city of Dnipro were taken out of service by the Leipzig Transport Authority in course of the replacement of the Tatra trams with new trams for the city of Leipzig.
The public transport company of the city of Dnipro currently has 12 urban tram lines, which cover a network of 177 kilometres and thus serve an area with 1 million inhabitants.
The trams will be put into service in the next months after technical revision and modernisation. They will thus guarantee the mobility of the city of Dnipro.